The Priestess of Light Oracle

Beställningsnummer: 124393 Författare: Sandra Anne Taylor

219 krKlubbpris: 189 kr


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  • Ingen avgift / ingen bindningstid
  • Medlemstidning 16 ggr/år och mycket mer...


  • Bättre priser
  • Exklusiv förtur till boknyheter
  • Lägsta pris-garanti på medlemsböcker
  • Ingen avgift / ingen bindningstid
  • Medlemstidning 16 ggr/år och mycket mer...


Two renowned artists and teachers combine forces to offer a unique oracle, with channeled art by Kimberly Webber spectacularly depicting spirit animals, divine feminine archetypes, and sacred geometry. Best-selling author Sandra Anne Taylor connects with the divine energy of Kimberly’s paintings to create an oracle guide that taps into the wisdom of the natural and energetic worlds.

This oracle is a collaboration between two incredible healers and teachers. Renowned artist Kimberly Webber channels divine energy to create stunning depictions of spirit animals, divine feminine archetypes, and sacred geometry. The unique lighting effect comes from the rare minerals, crystals, and precious metals layered into her original oil paintings, described as ”modern magical realism rooted in antiquity.”

53 kort


Vikt 0,38 kg
